Understanding how our minds work develops confidence, flexibility and strength.
What I want now to stress is the fact that human nature is essentially
the capacity to think and feel about the reality of the world outside….
We can sum it up by saying that to be ourselves is to live in
communion with what is not ourselves. But this communion with a reality
which is not ourselves is only possible through other people.
John Macmurray (1992) Freedom in the Modern World. New Jersey and London:
Humanities Press.
Links I like
Listen to Winnicott.
Donald Woods Winnicott (7 April 1896 – 28 January 1971) was an English
pediatrician and psychoanalyst who was especially influential in the field of
object relations theory. He is best known for his ideas on the true self and false self,
and the transitional object.
Discover Magazine Discusses the continuing relevance of Sigmund Freud